iomanip header file in c++

The iomanip header file in C++ provides manipulators that allow you to format input and output operations. Manipulators are functions or objects that modify the behavior of the input/output streams. They can be used to set the width, precision, and other formatting options for data that is being read from or written to the stream.

Here are some commonly used manipulators from the iomanip header file:

  1. setw(int n): This manipulator sets the field width of the next output operation to n. It ensures that the output is displayed in a field of fixed width.

  2. setprecision(int n): This manipulator sets the precision (number of digits after the decimal point) for floating-point numbers. It affects the next output operation.

  3. setfill(char c): This manipulator sets the fill character for the output. It ensures that the field is filled with the specified character.

  4. setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags flags): This manipulator sets the specified flags for the output stream. The flags can control the formatting of the output, such as displaying numbers in hexadecimal format.

  5. resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags flags): This manipulator resets the specified flags for the output stream. It allows you to revert back to the default formatting options.

  6. fixed: This manipulator forces the floating-point numbers to be displayed in fixed-point notation.

  7. scientific: This manipulator forces the floating-point numbers to be displayed in scientific notation.

  8. boolalpha: This manipulator sets the output stream to display boolean values as "true" or "false" instead of 1 or 0.

These manipulators can be used in combination to achieve the desired formatting for input and output operations in C++. By using the iomanip header file, you can easily control the appearance of your data when reading from or writing to the console or files.