pass address to function c++

To pass the address to a function in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare the function: Begin by declaring the function prototype. This includes specifying the return type, function name, and parameter list.

  2. Define the function: Define the function body by providing the implementation of the function. This is where you will use the passed address.

  3. Pass the address: When calling the function, you need to pass the address of the variable or object you want to manipulate. This is done by using the address-of operator "&" before the variable name.

  4. Receive the address: In the function definition, use a pointer type as the parameter to receive the address. This allows you to access the value at that memory location.

  5. Dereference the pointer: Inside the function, you can access the value at the memory location by dereferencing the pointer. This is done using the dereference operator "*" before the pointer variable name.

  6. Manipulate the value: Now that you have access to the value through the pointer, you can manipulate it as needed. This can include modifying the value directly or using it in calculations or operations.

  7. Return or modify the value: Depending on the function's purpose, you can either modify the value directly through the pointer or return the modified value.

By following these steps, you can successfully pass the address to a function in C++ and manipulate the value at that memory location.