flutter websocket auto reconnect

To implement auto reconnection in a Flutter WebSocket using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary libraries: Begin by importing the required libraries for WebSocket communication in C++. For example, you may need to include the <iostream> library for input/output operations and <websocketpp/config/asio_no_tls.hpp> for WebSocket functionality.

  2. Establish a WebSocket connection: Use the appropriate functions or methods to establish a WebSocket connection with the server. This typically involves creating a WebSocket object and providing the server's address and port number.

  3. Implement reconnection logic: To enable auto reconnection, you need to implement logic that handles the reconnection process. This logic should run in the background and attempt to reconnect to the server if the WebSocket connection is lost.

  4. Handle connection close events: Define a callback function or method to handle WebSocket connection close events. This function will be called whenever the WebSocket connection is closed, either intentionally or due to an error. Within this function, you can trigger the reconnection logic to attempt reconnecting to the server.

  5. Implement a delay between reconnection attempts: To avoid overwhelming the server with too many reconnection attempts in a short period, it's advisable to implement a delay between each reconnection attempt. You can use a timer or delay function to introduce a pause before initiating the next reconnection attempt.

  6. Retry connection: Within the reconnection logic, you can use a loop or recursive function to repeatedly attempt reconnecting to the server. You may need to handle any errors or exceptions that occur during the reconnection process to ensure a smooth experience for the user.

  7. Optional: Add exponential backoff: To prevent flooding the server with a high number of reconnection attempts, you can implement an exponential backoff strategy. This means that each time a reconnection attempt fails, you increase the delay before the next attempt exponentially. For example, you can start with a short delay, and then double the delay time for each subsequent attempt.

  8. Test and refine: Once you have implemented the auto reconnection logic, test it thoroughly to ensure it functions as expected. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements to improve the reliability and performance of the reconnection process.

Remember to refer to the specific documentation and resources for the libraries or frameworks you are using for WebSocket communication in C++. These steps provide a general outline, but the actual implementation may vary depending on the tools and libraries you choose.