convert ros time to double

To convert a ROS time to double in C++, you can use the toSec() function provided by the ROS library. Here are the steps to convert a ROS time to double:

  1. Include the necessary header file: Begin by including the appropriate ROS header file that contains the definition of the ros::Time class. This is typically done using the #include preprocessor directive. For example:

cpp #include <ros/time.h>

  1. Create a ros::Time object: Declare and initialize a ros::Time object with the desired time value. For example:

cpp ros::Time rosTime = ros::Time::now();

This creates a ros::Time object and initializes it with the current system time.

  1. Convert the ROS time to double: Use the toSec() member function of the ros::Time class to convert the ROS time to a double value. Here's an example:

cpp double timeInSeconds = rosTime.toSec();

The toSec() function returns the time value in seconds as a double.

That's it! Now you have successfully converted a ROS time to a double value using the toSec() function provided by the ROS library. You can use the resulting timeInSeconds variable for further calculations or operations.

Remember to include the necessary header file and ensure that you have the ROS library properly installed and linked with your C++ project.