cocos2d c++ linux

// Step 1: Include necessary headers
#include "cocos2d.h"

// Step 2: Use the cocos2d namespace

// Step 3: Create a class that inherits from Scene
class MyScene : public Scene {
    // Step 4: Create a static create method
    static MyScene* create() {
        MyScene* scene = new MyScene();
        if (scene && scene->init()) {
            return scene;
        } else {
            delete scene;
            return nullptr;

    // Step 5: Implement the init method
    bool init() override {
        if (!Scene::init()) {
            return false;

        // Step 6: Add your scene-specific initialization code here

        return true;

    // Step 7: Optionally, add custom methods or member variables


// Step 8: Create the application entry point
int main(int argc, char argv) {
    // Step 9: Create the application instance
    Application app(argc, argv);

    // Step 10: Create and run the scene
    MyScene* scene = MyScene::create();

    // Step 11: Enter the application main loop