c++ How can I make a std::vector of function pointers

To make a std::vector of function pointers in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Declare a typedef for the function type you want to use as a function pointer. For example, if you want to create a vector of function pointers that take an int parameter and return void, you can declare the typedef like this:

cpp typedef void (*FunctionPtr)(int);

  1. Create a std::vector using the function pointer type. For example:

cpp std::vector<FunctionPtr> functionPointers;

  1. Define your functions that match the function pointer type. For example:

```cpp void function1(int param) { // Function body }

void function2(int param) { // Function body } ```

  1. Add the function pointers to the vector using the address-of operator &. For example:

cpp functionPointers.push_back(&function1); functionPointers.push_back(&function2);

Here, &function1 and &function2 are the addresses of the functions function1 and function2, respectively.

  1. You can now call the functions through the function pointers stored in the vector. For example:

cpp functionPointers[0](42); // Calls function1 with parameter 42 functionPointers[1](10); // Calls function2 with parameter 10

The syntax functionPointers[index](parameter) calls the function at the specified index with the given parameter.

That's it! You now have a std::vector of function pointers in C++.