adding two dates using necessary member function in c++

To add two dates in C++ using the necessary member function, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a class to represent a date. This class should have member variables to store the day, month, and year.

  2. Implement a constructor for the date class that takes the day, month, and year as parameters and initializes the member variables.

  3. Define a member function to add two dates. This function should take another date object as a parameter and return a new date object representing the sum of the two dates.

  4. Inside the add function, add the day, month, and year of the two dates separately. If the sum of the days is greater than the maximum number of days in that month, adjust the month and year accordingly.

  5. Return the new date object with the updated values.

Here is an example implementation:

class Date {
   int day;
   int month;
   int year;

   Date(int d, int m, int y) {
      day = d;
      month = m;
      year = y;

   Date add(Date d) {
      Date result(day +, month + d.month, year + d.year);

      if ( > 31) { -= 31;

      if (result.month > 12) {
         result.month -= 12;

      return result;

You can use this code to add two dates as shown below:

Date date1(10, 12, 2023);
Date date2(15, 12, 2023);
Date sum = date1.add(date2);

In this example, sum will hold the result of adding date1 and date2.