Start mongodb community server

To start the MongoDB Community Server in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header files: Include the MongoDB C++ driver headers in your C++ program. This can be done by including the following line at the beginning of your code:

cpp #include <mongocxx/client.hpp>

  1. Create a connection to the MongoDB server: To establish a connection to the MongoDB server, you need to create a mongocxx::client object. This can be done using the following code:

cpp mongocxx::uri uri("mongodb://localhost:27017"); mongocxx::client client(uri);

In the above code, we create a mongocxx::uri object with the connection string "mongodb://localhost:27017", which specifies the address and port of the MongoDB server. Then, we create a mongocxx::client object using the mongocxx::uri object.

  1. Perform operations on the MongoDB server: Once you have established a connection to the MongoDB server, you can perform various operations like inserting documents, querying data, updating documents, etc. Here's an example of inserting a document into a collection:

```cpp mongocxx::database db = client["testdb"]; mongocxx::collection coll = db["testcoll"];

bsoncxx::builder::stream::document document{}; document << "name" << "John Doe" << "age" << 30;

coll.insert_one(document.view()); ```

In the above code, we first obtain a mongocxx::database object named db representing the database "testdb" and a mongocxx::collection object named coll representing the collection "testcoll". Then, we create a BSON document using the bsoncxx::builder::stream::document builder. We add the fields "name" and "age" to the document and their corresponding values. Finally, we use the insert_one function of the collection object to insert the document into the collection.

  1. Handle exceptions: It's important to handle exceptions that may occur during the execution of MongoDB operations. For example, if there is an error connecting to the MongoDB server or an error executing a query, you should handle the exception appropriately. Here's an example of how to handle exceptions:

cpp try { // MongoDB operations } catch (const std::exception& e) { std::cout << "An exception occurred: " << e.what() << std::endl; }

In the above code, we wrap the MongoDB operations in a try-catch block. If an exception occurs, we catch it and print the error message using e.what().

These are the basic steps to start the MongoDB Community Server in C++. By following these steps, you can establish a connection to the MongoDB server and perform various operations on it. Remember to handle exceptions appropriately to ensure robustness in your code.