c++ sorting and keeping track of indexes

To sort an array while keeping track of the original indexes, you can use the following approach in C++:

  1. Create a structure that contains the original element and its index. For example:
struct Element {
    int value;
    int index;
  1. Populate an array of Element structures with the original array elements and their corresponding indexes.

  2. Use the std::sort function from the algorithm library to sort the array of Element structures based on the element values. You can provide a custom comparator to compare the values while sorting and maintain the original indexes. For example:

bool compare(const Element& a, const Element& b) {
    return a.value < b.value;

// Sort the array of Element structures
std::sort(elementsArray, elementsArray + arraySize, compare);
  1. After sorting, the indexes in the Element structures would represent the original indexes of the elements in the sorted order.

  2. You can then access the sorted elements along with their original indexes from the sorted Element array.

By following these steps, you can sort an array while keeping track of the original indexes in C++.