abstraction in cpp

Abstraction in C++ refers to the process of hiding the internal implementation details of a class or object and providing only the essential information or functionality to the user.

Here are the steps to achieve abstraction in C++:

  1. Create a class: Start by creating a class that represents the object you want to abstract. This class will contain the member variables and member functions that define the behavior and properties of the object.

  2. Declare public and private sections: Divide the class into two sections - public and private. The public section will contain the member functions that can be accessed by the user, while the private section will contain the member variables and functions that are hidden from the user.

  3. Encapsulation: Encapsulate the member variables within the private section of the class. This ensures that they cannot be accessed directly by the user. Instead, the user interacts with the class through the public member functions.

  4. Define public member functions: Define the public member functions in the public section of the class. These functions act as an interface between the user and the object. They provide a way for the user to interact with the object and perform operations on it.

  5. Implement the private member functions: Implement the private member functions in the private section of the class. These functions are used internally by the class to perform certain operations or calculations. They are hidden from the user and help maintain the internal consistency and integrity of the object.

  6. Access control: Use access specifiers such as public, private, and protected to control the visibility and accessibility of the member variables and functions. This ensures that the user can only access the necessary information and functionality, while the internal details remain hidden.

By following these steps, you can achieve abstraction in C++ and create classes that provide a simplified and user-friendly interface for interacting with objects, while hiding the complex implementation details.