qt file explorer

To create a file explorer using C++ and Qt, you can follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a new Qt project in Qt Creator. Go to File -> New File or Project -> Qt Widgets Application. Give your project a name and choose a location to save it.

  2. Once the project is created, you will see a file called mainwindow.h in the project's file structure. This file contains the class definition for the main window of your application.

  3. Open the mainwindow.h file and add the necessary include statements at the top of the file. You will need to include the QTreeView and QFileSystemModel classes from the Qt library.

  4. Inside the MainWindow class, declare a private member variable of type QTreeView and QFileSystemModel. These will hold the instances of the tree view and file system model respectively.

  5. In the constructor of the MainWindow class, initialize the tree view and file system model. Create a new QTreeView object and set it as the central widget of the main window. Create a new QFileSystemModel object and set it as the model for the tree view.

  6. Set the root path for the file system model using the setRootPath() function. This will determine which directory the file explorer starts in.

  7. Connect the doubleClicked() signal of the tree view to a slot in the MainWindow class. This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks on an item in the tree view.

  8. In the slot function, get the index of the selected item using the currentIndex() function of the tree view. Use the filePath() function of the file system model to get the path of the selected file or directory.

  9. Display the selected file or directory path in a message box using the QMessageBox class.

  10. Build and run your project to see the file explorer in action. You should be able to browse through the directories on your system and see the selected file or directory path displayed in a message box when double-clicked.

That's it! You have now created a simple file explorer using C++ and Qt.