c++ write to file in directory

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main() {
    std::ofstream file;

    if (file.is_open()) {
        file << "This is a line written to the file.";
        std::cout << "File written successfully." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Unable to open the file." << std::endl;

    return 0;


  1. #include <iostream> and #include <fstream>: These lines include necessary libraries for input/output operations and file handling in C++.

  2. std::ofstream file;: This line declares an object named file of type ofstream which is used for writing to files.

  3. file.open("path/to/your/directory/filename.txt");: Opens a file named "filename.txt" in the specified directory for writing. Replace "path/to/your/directory/filename.txt" with the actual path and filename where you want to create/write the file.

  4. if (file.is_open()) { ... } else { ... }: Checks if the file was successfully opened. If the file is open, it proceeds to write content to the file; otherwise, it prints an error message.

  5. file << "This is a line written to the file.";: Writes the string "This is a line written to the file." to the opened file.

  6. file.close();: Closes the file after writing the content.

  7. std::cout << "File written successfully." << std::endl;: If the file was successfully written, this line prints a success message to the console.

  8. return 0;: Indicates successful execution of the program.