tabeau dynamique c++

A dynamic array in C++ is a data structure that allows you to create an array whose size can be changed during runtime. It is implemented using pointers and memory allocation functions. Here are the steps involved in creating a dynamic array in C++:

  1. Declare a pointer variable: Start by declaring a pointer variable of the desired data type. This pointer will be used to allocate memory for the dynamic array.

  2. Allocate memory: Use the 'new' keyword to allocate memory for the dynamic array. The amount of memory allocated should be based on the number of elements required and the size of each element.

  3. Assign the memory address to the pointer: After allocating memory, assign the memory address to the pointer variable. This will allow you to access the dynamic array using the pointer.

  4. Access elements: You can access and manipulate elements in the dynamic array using pointer arithmetic. For example, to access the first element, you can use the pointer as if it were a regular array: pointer[0].

  5. Resize the array: If you need to change the size of the dynamic array, you can use the 'new' keyword again to allocate a new block of memory with the desired size. Then, you can copy the existing elements to the new memory block using a loop or the 'memcpy' function.

  6. Deallocate memory: Once you are done using the dynamic array, it is important to deallocate the memory to avoid memory leaks. Use the 'delete[]' keyword to free the memory allocated for the dynamic array.

It's worth noting that C++ provides a more convenient alternative to dynamic arrays called 'std::vector', which is a dynamic array container class that handles memory management automatically. Using 'std::vector' can simplify the process of working with dynamic arrays in C++.