cout stack in c++

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    // Declare a variable of type int and assign it the value 42
    int myNumber = 42;

    // Output the value of myNumber to the standard output (console)
    std::cout << "Value of myNumber: " << myNumber << std::endl;

    // Declare a character array (string) and initialize it with "Hello, C++"
    const char* myString = "Hello, C++";

    // Output the string to the standard output
    std::cout << "String: " << myString << std::endl;

    // Declare a floating-point variable and assign it the value 3.14
    float myFloat = 3.14f;

    // Output the value of myFloat to the standard output
    std::cout << "Floating-point number: " << myFloat << std::endl;

    // Return 0 to indicate successful execution of the program
    return 0;