arduino falling edge

To detect a falling edge in C++ using Arduino, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the necessary variables: Declare two variables to hold the current and previous state of the input pin. For example:

cpp int current_state = LOW; int previous_state = LOW;

  1. Configure the input pin: Set the input pin mode to INPUT using the pinMode() function. For example, if the input pin is connected to pin 2, use the following line of code:

cpp pinMode(2, INPUT);

  1. Read the input pin state: Use the digitalRead() function to read the current state of the input pin and store it in the current_state variable. For example:

cpp current_state = digitalRead(2);

  1. Check for a falling edge: Compare the current state with the previous state to determine if a falling edge has occurred. If the previous state was HIGH and the current state is LOW, it indicates a falling edge. For example:

cpp if (previous_state == HIGH && current_state == LOW) { // Falling edge detected // Add your code here to perform the desired action }

  1. Update the previous state: After checking for a falling edge, update the previous state variable with the current state. This will be used in the next iteration of the loop to detect subsequent falling edges. For example:

cpp previous_state = current_state;

  1. Repeat the steps in a loop: Place the above steps inside the loop() function to continuously monitor the input pin for falling edges. For example:

```cpp void loop() { current_state = digitalRead(2);

   if (previous_state == HIGH && current_state == LOW) {
       // Falling edge detected
       // Add your code here to perform the desired action

   previous_state = current_state;

} ```

That's it! The above code will allow you to detect falling edges on the specified input pin using C++ on an Arduino board. Remember to replace pin 2 with the actual pin number you are using.