list that doesn't allow duplicates c++

To create a list in C++ that doesn't allow duplicates, you can use the std::set container. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Include the necessary header file at the beginning of your code: cpp #include <set>

  2. Define a set with the desired data type, for example, int: cpp std::set<int> uniqueList;

  3. To insert elements into the set, use the insert function: cpp uniqueList.insert(5); uniqueList.insert(3); uniqueList.insert(7);

  4. The set will automatically discard duplicate elements, so attempting to insert a duplicate value will have no effect: cpp uniqueList.insert(5); // This will not add a duplicate 5 to the set

  5. To iterate through the unique elements in the set, you can use a range-based for loop or iterators: cpp for (const auto& element : uniqueList) { // Access each unique element here }

  6. You can also check if a certain value is already in the set using the find function, which returns an iterator: cpp auto it = uniqueList.find(3); if (it != uniqueList.end()) { // Element found in the set } else { // Element not found in the set }