glm has no member value_ptr

Explanation of glm's value_ptr Member

The value_ptr member is not a part of the glm library. It is not available for use in C++ when working with glm. The glm library provides functionality for mathematics in graphics programming, including vectors, matrices, and transformations. However, the value_ptr member is not a part of this library.

The glm library does provide functions for rotation, translation, and scaling of vectors and matrices. These operations can be combined by multiplying the matrices together to achieve the desired transformations. For example, to combine transformations, the following multiplication can be used:

TransformedVector = TranslationMatrix  RotationMatrix  ScaleMatrix * OriginalVector;

It's important to note that the order of operations matters when combining transformations. In the provided example, the scaling is performed first, followed by the rotation.

This information is based on the content from the 'opengl-tutorial' [1].

I hope this helps!