ue4 float to fstring

To convert a float variable to an FString in C++ using UE4, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare an FString variable to store the converted float value.
  2. Use the FString::SanitizeFloat() function to convert the float value to a string representation.
  3. Assign the converted value to the FString variable.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates this process:

float MyFloat = 3.14f; // The float value you want to convert
FString MyString = FString::SanitizeFloat(MyFloat); // Convert the float to an FString

In this example, MyFloat is a float variable containing the value 3.14f. The FString::SanitizeFloat() function is then used to convert this float value to an FString, which is stored in the MyString variable.

Please note that the FString::SanitizeFloat() function converts the float value to a string using the current locale settings, which may affect the formatting of the resulting string. If you need to specify a specific formatting, you can use other functions such as FString::Printf() or FString::SanitizeFloatNoGrouping().

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.