convert wchar_t to to multibyte

To convert a wchar_t string to a multibyte string in C++, you can use the wcstombs function. Here are the steps involved in the conversion process:

  1. Include the necessary header files: Include the <cwchar> and <cstdlib> header files in your code to use the wcstombs function.

  2. Declare the variables: Declare two variables, one for the wchar_t string and another for the multibyte string. For example: cpp const wchar_t* wideStr = L"Hello, world!"; char mbStr[100];

  3. Call the wcstombs function: Use the wcstombs function to convert the wchar_t string to a multibyte string. The function takes three parameters: the destination buffer, the source wchar_t string, and the maximum number of characters to write to the destination buffer. For example: cpp size_t convertedChars = wcstombs(mbStr, wideStr, sizeof(mbStr));

The function returns the number of characters converted, excluding the null-terminator. If an error occurs during the conversion, it returns size_t(-1).

  1. Handle the conversion errors (optional): Check if the return value of wcstombs is size_t(-1) to determine if an error occurred during the conversion.

  2. Null-terminate the multibyte string: After the conversion, null-terminate the multibyte string to ensure it is properly terminated. For example: cpp mbStr[convertedChars] = '\0';

This step is important because the wcstombs function does not automatically null-terminate the destination buffer.

After following these steps, the wchar_t string will be successfully converted to a null-terminated multibyte string stored in the mbStr variable.

Here is an example of the complete code:

#include <cwchar>
#include <cstdlib>

int main() {
    const wchar_t* wideStr = L"Hello, world!";
    char mbStr[100];

    size_t convertedChars = wcstombs(mbStr, wideStr, sizeof(mbStr));
    if (convertedChars == size_t(-1)) {
        // Handle conversion error

    mbStr[convertedChars] = '\0';

    // Use the multibyte string

    return 0;

Please note that the wcstombs function performs the conversion based on the current locale. If you want to explicitly specify a different encoding, you can use the wcsrtombs or wcsnrtombs functions instead.