bfs sudocode

bfs sudocode:

  1. Create a queue and mark all nodes as unvisited.
  2. Enqueue the starting node and mark it as visited.
  3. While the queue is not empty, do the following steps:
  4. Dequeue a node from the queue.
  5. Process the node (e.g., print, store, etc.).
  6. Enqueue all the adjacent unvisited nodes of the dequeued node and mark them as visited.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until the queue is empty.

Explanation for each step:

  1. Create a queue and mark all nodes as unvisited:
  2. This step initializes a queue data structure to store the nodes that need to be processed in a Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm.
  3. Additionally, it marks all nodes as unvisited, indicating that they have not been processed yet.

  4. Enqueue the starting node and mark it as visited:

  5. The starting node is the node from which the BFS algorithm will begin.
  6. This step adds the starting node to the queue and marks it as visited, indicating that it has been processed.

  7. While the queue is not empty, do the following steps:

  8. This step sets up a loop that will continue until all nodes in the graph have been processed.
  9. The loop condition checks if the queue is not empty.

  10. Dequeue a node from the queue:

  11. This step removes a node from the front of the queue, which will be processed next.
  12. Dequeuing means removing an element from the queue in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) order.

  13. Process the node:

  14. This step performs any necessary operations on the dequeued node.
  15. It could involve printing the node, storing it for later use, or performing other actions specific to the problem being solved.

  16. Enqueue all the adjacent unvisited nodes of the dequeued node and mark them as visited:

  17. This step identifies all the neighboring nodes of the dequeued node that have not been visited yet.
  18. It adds these unvisited nodes to the queue and marks them as visited, indicating that they will be processed in the future.

  19. Repeat steps 4-6 until the queue is empty:

  20. This step ensures that the BFS algorithm continues processing nodes until there are no more nodes left in the queue.
  21. It repeats steps 4-6 until the queue becomes empty, which indicates that all nodes have been visited and processed.