disallowcopy c++

To disallow copying in C++, you can make use of the delete keyword to explicitly delete the copy constructor and assignment operator for a class. This prevents objects of that class from being copied.

Here are the steps to disallow copying in C++:

  1. Declare the class: Start by declaring the class for which you want to disallow copying. For example:
class MyClass {
  // class members and functions
  1. Declare the copy constructor and assignment operator as private: To disallow copying, you need to make the copy constructor and assignment operator private, which prevents them from being accessed outside the class. Add the following lines inside the class declaration:
class MyClass {
  MyClass(const MyClass& other);
  MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other);

  // class members and functions
  1. Define the private copy constructor and assignment operator: Since the copy constructor and assignment operator are now declared as private, they need to be defined as well. However, since they won't be used, you can provide an empty definition or use the delete keyword to explicitly delete them:
class MyClass {
  MyClass(const MyClass& other) = delete;
  MyClass& operator=(const MyClass& other) = delete;

  // class members and functions

By using the delete keyword, any attempt to copy objects of the MyClass class will result in a compilation error. This effectively disallows copying.

Note: Disallowing copying is useful in cases where you want to prevent accidental copies of objects, such as when dealing with resources that should not be duplicated or when designing immutable objects.