changing values of mat in opencv c++

Sure! Here is an example of how you can change the values of a matrix (mat) in OpenCV using C++:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

int main() {
    // Create a matrix with 3 rows and 3 columns
    cv::Mat mat(3, 3, CV_8UC1);

    // Set the values of the matrix<uchar>(0, 0) = 1;<uchar>(0, 1) = 2;<uchar>(0, 2) = 3;<uchar>(1, 0) = 4;<uchar>(1, 1) = 5;<uchar>(1, 2) = 6;<uchar>(2, 0) = 7;<uchar>(2, 1) = 8;<uchar>(2, 2) = 9;

    // Print the matrix
    std::cout << "Original matrix:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << mat << std::endl;

    // Change the value at position (1, 1)<uchar>(1, 1) = 10;

    // Print the modified matrix
    std::cout << "Modified matrix:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << mat << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we first include the necessary header file opencv2/opencv.hpp to use the OpenCV library.

Next, we create a matrix mat with 3 rows and 3 columns using the cv::Mat class. We specify the data type of the matrix elements as CV_8UC1, which stands for an 8-bit unsigned single-channel matrix.

To change the values of the matrix, we use the at function of the cv::Mat class. The at function allows us to access and modify individual elements of the matrix. We pass the row and column indices as arguments to the at function, and then assign the desired value to the accessed element. In this example, we assign values 1 to 9 to different elements of the matrix.

After setting the values, we print the original matrix using std::cout and the << operator.

Next, we change the value at position (1, 1) of the matrix to 10 by assigning the value using the at function.

Finally, we print the modified matrix to verify the change.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.