delay millis arduino

To delay a certain amount of time in C++ using the Arduino framework, you can use the function delay(). Here's an explanation of each step involved:

  1. Include the necessary libraries: At the beginning of your sketch, make sure to include the Arduino.h library, which provides the necessary functions for working with the Arduino board.

  2. Call the delay() function: To introduce a delay in your program, call the delay() function and provide the desired delay time in milliseconds as an argument. For example, if you want to delay for 1 second, you would call delay(1000).

  3. Execution pause: When the delay() function is called, it temporarily stops the execution of the program for the specified delay time. During this pause, the Arduino board will not perform any other tasks.

  4. Resuming program execution: After the specified delay time has passed, the program will resume execution from the point immediately after the delay() function call. This means that any code following the delay() function will continue to execute.

It's important to note that during the delay, the Arduino board will not respond to any input or perform any other tasks. Therefore, it's generally recommended to use delay sparingly and consider using non-blocking techniques, such as using timers or interrupts, for more complex tasks that require multitasking or responsiveness.