Inner Section Sticky Scroll in elementor

To create an inner section sticky scroll in Elementor using C++, you would need to follow the following steps:

  1. Include the required libraries: Start by including the necessary libraries in your C++ program. For this specific task, you'll need to include the iostream library.

  2. Define the main function: In C++, every program starts with a main function. Declare the main function with the appropriate return type, typically int.

  3. Implement the inner section sticky scroll logic: Now, you can start implementing the logic for the inner section sticky scroll. This typically involves using a loop and manipulating the scroll position.

  4. Create a loop: To enable scrolling, you need to create a loop that continuously updates the scroll position. You can use a while loop or a for loop for this purpose.

  5. Read the scroll position: Inside the loop, you need to read the current scroll position. This can be done using the appropriate functions or methods provided by the GUI framework you are using.

  6. Check if the scroll position is within the inner section: Next, you need to check if the current scroll position is within the inner section that you want to make sticky. You can use conditional statements like if or switch to perform this check.

  7. Apply sticky scroll behavior: If the scroll position is within the inner section, you can apply the sticky scroll behavior by modifying the appropriate properties or attributes of the inner section element. This usually involves changing the CSS properties like position and top.

  8. Update the scroll position: After applying the sticky scroll behavior, you need to update the scroll position to reflect the changes. This can be done using the provided functions or methods for manipulating the scroll position.

  9. Exit the loop: Finally, you need to define an exit condition for the loop to prevent it from running indefinitely. This can be based on user interaction or reaching a specific scroll position.

  10. Compile and run the program: Once you have implemented the inner section sticky scroll logic, you can compile and run the C++ program to see the desired behavior in action.

Remember to include any necessary error handling and additional functionality specific to your use case.