use of strtok

The strtok function in C++ is used to split a string into a sequence of tokens based on a delimiter character. Here is an explanation of each step involved in using strtok:

  1. Include the necessary header file: cpp #include <cstring>

  2. Declare a character array to store the input string: cpp char inputString[] = "Hello, world! This is a sample string.";

  3. Declare a character pointer to store the first token: cpp char *token;

  4. Use strtok to get the first token: cpp token = strtok(inputString, " ");

  5. The first argument of strtok is the input string to be tokenized. In this case, it is inputString.

  6. The second argument of strtok is the delimiter character. In this case, it is a space character (" ").

  7. Continue using strtok to get subsequent tokens: ```cpp while (token != NULL) { // Process the token // ...

    // Get the next token token = strtok(NULL, " "); } ```

  8. The first argument of strtok is set to NULL in subsequent calls to continue tokenizing the original string.

  9. The second argument of strtok is the same delimiter character used in the first call.

  10. Process each token as needed: ```cpp while (token != NULL) { // Process the token std::cout << "Token: " << token << std::endl;

    // Get the next token token = strtok(NULL, " "); } ```

In this example, the token is simply printed to the console.

  1. Remember to include the <iostream> header file for using std::cout to print the tokens: cpp #include <iostream>

That's it! This is a basic explanation of using strtok in C++ to tokenize a string.