c++ compile to exe

To compile a C++ program into an executable file, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Write the C++ code: First, you need to write the C++ code that you want to compile. This code should be saved with a .cpp extension, indicating that it is a C++ source file.

  2. Open a command prompt or terminal: Open a command prompt or terminal on your computer. This will allow you to execute commands to compile and run your C++ program.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing the C++ file: Use the cd command (on Windows) or the cd and ls commands (on Unix-based systems like Linux or macOS) to navigate to the directory where your C++ source file is located.

  4. Compile the C++ code: To compile the C++ code, you will need to use a C++ compiler. One commonly used compiler is g++, which is part of the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). To compile the code using g++, use the following command:

g++ -o output_filename source_filename.cpp

In this command, replace output_filename with the desired name of your executable file, and replace source_filename.cpp with the actual name of your C++ source file.

  1. Run the executable: Once the compilation is successful, you can run the executable file by typing its name in the command prompt or terminal and pressing Enter. For example, if your executable file is named my_program.exe, you would type:


The program will then be executed, and you will see its output (if any) in the command prompt or terminal.

That's it! You have successfully compiled and executed a C++ program. Remember to save your C++ source file and any associated files in a safe location for future use.