Setting a number of decimals on a float on C++

To set the number of decimals on a float in C++, you can use the std::setprecision function from the <iomanip> library. Here are the steps:

  1. Include the <iomanip> library at the beginning of your code to access the std::setprecision function. This library provides various manipulators to control the output formatting of streams.

  2. Declare a float variable and assign a value to it. For example: float myFloat = 3.14159;

  3. Use the std::cout object to display the float variable with the desired number of decimals. For example: std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << myFloat;

In this example, std::setprecision(2) sets the precision to 2 decimals. You can change the number inside setprecision to any desired value.

  1. Run your program, and the float variable will be displayed with the specified number of decimals.

Here's the complete code snippet for reference:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

int main() {
   float myFloat = 3.14159;
   std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << myFloat;
   return 0;

This code will output 3.14, since the precision is set to 2 decimals.