Set Specific Time in youtube Video url

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Step 1: Define the base YouTube video URL
    std::string base_url = "";

    // Step 2: Specify the YouTube video ID
    std::string video_id = "your_video_id_here";

    // Step 3: Specify the time in seconds to set in the URL
    int specific_time = 60; // Set to 1 minute, adjust as needed

    // Step 4: Construct the final URL with the specified time
    std::string final_url = base_url + video_id + "&t=" + std::to_string(specific_time);

    // Step 5: Print the final URL
    std::cout << "Final URL: " << final_url << std::endl;

    return 0;