cstring to string

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>

int main() {
    const char cstr = "Hello, C++";  // Step 1: Declare a C-style string (const char) with some content.

    std::string str;  // Step 2: Declare an empty C++ string.

    str = cstr;  // Step 3: Assign the C-style string to the C++ string using the assignment operator.

    std::cout << "C-style string: " << cstr << std::endl;  // Step 4: Print the original C-style string.
    std::cout << "C++ string: " << str << std::endl;  // Step 5: Print the converted C++ string.

    return 0;  // Step 6: Return 0 to indicate successful execution.