run c++ program mac

# Step 1: Open Terminal on your Mac.

# Step 2: Navigate to the directory containing your C++ file using the 'cd' command.
cd path/to/your/cpp/file/directory

# Step 3: Compile your C++ program using g++ compiler.
g++ -o output_filename your_program_name.cpp

# Step 4: Run the compiled program.


  1. Open Terminal: Launch the Terminal application on your Mac, usually found in the "Utilities" folder within "Applications".

  2. Navigate to the Directory: Utilize the cd command to change the directory in Terminal to where your C++ file is saved. Replace "path/to/your/cpp/file/directory" with the actual path.

  3. Compile the C++ Program: Use g++ (GNU C++ compiler) to compile your C++ program. Replace "output_filename" with your desired name for the compiled executable file, and "your_program_name.cpp" with the actual name of your C++ file.

  4. Run the Compiled Program: After successful compilation, execute the compiled program by typing ./output_filename in Terminal. This command runs the compiled C++ executable file created in the previous step.