pointers in c++

Pointers in C++ allow you to store and manipulate memory addresses. They are variables that hold memory addresses as their values. Here are the steps to use pointers in C++:

  1. Declare a pointer variable: To declare a pointer, use the asterisk () symbol followed by the variable name. For example, "int ptr;". This declares a pointer variable named "ptr" that can hold the memory address of an integer.

  2. Assign a memory address to the pointer: Use the ampersand (&) operator to get the memory address of a variable. For example, "int num = 10; int* ptr = #". This assigns the memory address of the "num" variable to the "ptr" pointer.

  3. Dereference the pointer: To access the value stored at the memory address pointed by a pointer, use the asterisk () operator. For example, "int value = ptr;". This assigns the value stored at the memory address pointed by "ptr" to the "value" variable.

  4. Modify the value through the pointer: You can also modify the value stored at the memory address pointed by a pointer. For example, "*ptr = 20;". This changes the value stored at the memory address pointed by "ptr" to 20.

  5. Null pointers: Pointers can also be set to a special value called a "null pointer" (nullptr), which means they do not point to any valid memory address. For example, "int* ptr = nullptr;". This assigns a null value to the "ptr" pointer.

  6. Pointer arithmetic: Pointers can be incremented or decremented to point to different memory locations. For example, "ptr++;". This moves the pointer to the next memory address, based on the size of the variable type it points to.

  7. Dynamic memory allocation: Pointers are commonly used with dynamic memory allocation. You can allocate memory at runtime using the "new" keyword and deallocate it using the "delete" keyword. For example, "int ptr = new int; ptr = 5; delete ptr;". This allocates memory for an integer, assigns a value of 5 to it, and then deallocates the memory.

These are the basic steps to work with pointers in C++. By understanding and utilizing pointers effectively, you can have more control over memory management and enhance the flexibility and efficiency of your programs.