return use in c++

The return statement in C++ is used to exit a function and optionally return a value to the calling code. When the return statement is encountered within a function, the function stops executing, and control is returned to the point from where the function was called.


return; // Used in functions returning void (no value)
return expression; // Used in functions returning a value of a specific type


  1. return;
  2. Used in functions that do not return a value (void functions).
  3. It simply exits the function and returns control to the calling code without any value.

  4. return expression;

  5. Used in functions that have a return type other than void.
  6. expression can be a variable, a constant, an operation, or any valid expression that evaluates to the function's return type.
  7. This statement exits the function and passes the value of expression back to the calling code.


int add(int a, int b) {
    int result = a + b;
    return result; // Returns the sum of a and b

void showMessage() {
    std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
    return; // Exits the function without returning any value

In the example above: - add is a function that takes two integers as parameters, calculates their sum, stores it in result, and then returns result using the return statement. - showMessage is a function that simply displays "Hello, World!" and uses return; to exit the function without returning any value because it has a return type of void.