c++ filesystem read directory

To read a directory using the C++ filesystem library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary headers: Begin by including the required headers for working with the filesystem library in C++. This can be done by including the <filesystem> header.

  2. Create a path object: Next, create a path object using the directory path you want to read. The path class represents a file system path and provides various methods to manipulate and access file system paths.

  3. Check if the directory exists: Use the exists() function from the std::filesystem namespace to check if the directory exists. This function returns true if the directory exists, and false otherwise.

  4. Read the directory: If the directory exists, use a directory_iterator object to iterate over the contents of the directory. The directory_iterator class provides a way to iterate over the directory entries.

  5. Process the directory entries: Loop through the directory entries using a for loop and perform any desired operations on each entry. You can access the name of each entry using the path() function of the directory_entry class.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::filesystem::path directoryPath("path/to/directory");

    if (std::filesystem::exists(directoryPath)) {
        for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(directoryPath)) {
            std::cout << entry.path().filename() << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, replace "path/to/directory" with the actual path of the directory you want to read. The code checks if the directory exists and then prints the name of each entry (file or subdirectory) in the directory.

Remember to compile the code with a C++17 compliant compiler and link against the appropriate libraries.