c++ preprocessor commands

The C++ preprocessor commands are used to modify the source code before it is compiled. These commands start with a hash symbol (#) and are processed by the preprocessor, which is a part of the C++ compiler. The preprocessor commands are executed before the actual compilation takes place, and they can be used to include header files, define constants, and perform conditional compilation.


The #include directive is used to include the contents of another file into the current source file. This is typically used to include header files that contain function and variable declarations. The syntax for #include is:

#include <filename>


The #define directive is used to define constants or macros. It allows you to define a name for a value or a block of code, which can be used throughout the program. The syntax for #define is:

#define constant value

#ifdef, #ifndef, #endif

These directives are used for conditional compilation. The #ifdef directive checks if a particular macro has been defined, and if it has, the code between #ifdef and #endif is included in the compilation. The #ifndef directive is the opposite of #ifdef and checks if a macro has not been defined. The syntax for #ifdef, #ifndef, and #endif is:

#ifdef macro
    // code to include if macro is defined

#ifndef macro
    // code to include if macro is not defined

#if, #elif, #else

These directives are used for conditional compilation based on expressions. The #if directive evaluates an expression and includes the code between #if and #endif if the expression is true. The #elif directive is used for additional conditions, and the #else directive is used for code that should be included if none of the previous conditions are met. The syntax for #if, #elif, and #else is:

#if expression
    // code to include if expression is true
#elif expression
    // code to include if expression is true
    // code to include if none of the previous conditions are met


The #undef directive is used to undefine a previously defined macro. This allows you to remove a macro definition if it is no longer needed. The syntax for #undef is:

#undef macro


The #error directive is used to generate a compile-time error with a specific message. This is useful for enforcing certain conditions or displaying custom error messages. The syntax for #error is:

#error "error message"


The #pragma directive is used to provide additional instructions to the compiler. These instructions are implementation-specific and can be used for various purposes, such as enabling or disabling certain compiler features. The syntax for #pragma is:

#pragma instruction

These are the main preprocessor commands in C++. They allow you to modify the source code before compilation and provide additional flexibility and control over the compilation process.