c++ thread incide class

To create a C++ thread inside a class, follow these steps:

  1. First, include the <thread> header file to gain access to the necessary classes and functions for multi-threading in C++.

  2. Inside your class, declare a member function that will be executed in a separate thread. This function should have the desired functionality that you want to run concurrently.

  3. In the same class, declare a member variable of type std::thread to represent the thread object. This variable will be responsible for managing the thread's execution.

  4. In the constructor of the class, initialize the thread object by passing it the member function as a callable object. You can use the std::thread constructor for this, providing the member function as the first argument and any required arguments as subsequent arguments.

  5. Optionally, you can also check if the thread object is joinable before initializing it. If it is joinable, it means that a thread is already running, and you need to either wait for it to finish or detach it from the calling thread using the joinable() function and the join() or detach() functions, respectively.

  6. In the destructor of the class, join the thread using the join() function. This ensures that the thread finishes executing before the object is destroyed.

  7. Optionally, you can also provide a public member function in your class to allow external code to join the thread manually if needed.

By following these steps, you can create a C++ thread inside a class and execute the desired functionality concurrently. Remember to handle any necessary synchronization mechanisms if multiple threads access shared resources to avoid data races or other synchronization issues.