c++ int main()

The C++ programming language uses the int main() function as the entry point for a C++ program. Here is an explanation of each step in the int main() function:

  1. int: This keyword is used to indicate that the return type of the main() function is an integer. The int type represents whole numbers.

  2. main(): This is the name of the function. The main() function is a special function in C++ that serves as the starting point of execution for the program.

  3. (): The parentheses indicate that main() is a function that takes no arguments. In C++, you can also define the main() function to take command-line arguments if needed.

  4. {}: The curly braces define a block of code. Everything between the opening and closing curly braces is the body of the main() function.

  5. // Code goes here: This is a comment. Comments are used to add explanatory notes to the code. They are ignored by the compiler and do not affect the program's execution.

  6. return 0;: This statement returns the value 0 to the operating system, indicating that the program executed successfully. The return statement is used to exit the main() function and the program.

Every C++ program must have a main() function, and the program's execution starts from the first line inside the main() function and continues until the program encounters a return statement or reaches the end of the main() function.