c++ initialize static variable

To initialize a static variable in C++, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Declare the static variable: Begin by declaring the static variable in the appropriate scope. For example, if you want to initialize a static variable within a class, declare it inside the class definition.

  2. Define the static variable: Once declared, you need to define the static variable outside the class or function scope. This is typically done in a source file (.cpp) associated with the class or function.

  3. Assign a value to the static variable: After defining the static variable, assign a value to it using the assignment operator (=). This value will be the initial value of the variable when the program starts.

Here's an example to illustrate the steps:

// Step 1: Declare the static variable
class MyClass {
    static int myStaticVar;

    // ...

// Step 2: Define the static variable
int MyClass::myStaticVar;

// Step 3: Assign a value to the static variable
MyClass::myStaticVar = 10;

In the example above, we first declare the static variable myStaticVar inside the class MyClass. Then, we define it outside the class using the scope resolution operator ::. Finally, we assign the value 10 to myStaticVar.

By following these steps, you can successfully initialize a static variable in C++.