3d projection onto 2d plane algorithm

To perform a 3D projection onto a 2D plane in C++, you can use the following algorithm:

  1. Define the 3D coordinates of the object or point in space that you want to project onto the 2D plane. Let's call these coordinates (x, y, z).

  2. Define the position and orientation of the camera or observer in the 3D space. This will determine the perspective from which the projection will be seen. Let's call the camera position (cx, cy, cz).

  3. Calculate the vector from the camera position to the object or point in space. This can be done by subtracting the camera position from the object coordinates: (dx, dy, dz) = (x - cx, y - cy, z - cz).

  4. Apply any necessary transformations to the vector to align it with the camera's perspective. This can involve rotating, scaling, and translating the vector to match the desired viewpoint.

  5. Calculate the 2D coordinates on the plane where the object or point will be projected. To do this, use a projection formula such as the perspective projection or orthogonal projection. The formula will depend on the specific projection method you want to use.

  6. Store or output the resulting 2D coordinates. These will represent the projection of the object or point onto the 2D plane.

It's important to note that the specific implementation of this algorithm may vary depending on the graphics library or framework you are using in C++. The above steps provide a general outline of the process involved in projecting a 3D object onto a 2D plane.