int main() {

  1. The code starts with the declaration of the main() function, which is the entry point for the program.

  2. The main() function is declared with the return type "int", indicating that it will return an integer value.

  3. The main() function is followed by an opening curly brace "{" to mark the beginning of the function's body.

  4. Inside the main() function, the program's execution begins with the first statement, which is located immediately after the opening curly brace.

  5. The main() function may contain multiple statements, which are executed sequentially, one after the other.

  6. Each statement inside the main() function is terminated by a semicolon (;), indicating the end of the statement.

  7. The main() function may contain any valid C++ code, such as variable declarations, assignments, control structures (if, for, while, etc.), function calls, and more.

  8. The main() function typically includes statements that perform the desired operations of the program, such as reading input from the user, performing calculations, and displaying output.

  9. The main() function may also call other functions defined within the program to delegate specific tasks.

  10. The main() function can access and modify variables declared within its scope or passed as arguments.

  11. The main() function executes until it reaches the end or encounters a return statement.

  12. The return statement in the main() function is used to indicate the end of the program's execution and specify a return value.

  13. The return value of the main() function is typically used to indicate the status of the program's execution, where 0 usually represents successful execution, and non-zero values indicate errors or exceptional conditions.

  14. After the last statement in the main() function, the closing curly brace "}" marks the end of the function's body.

  15. The main() function is followed by the closing parentheses ")" and semicolon ";" to complete its declaration.

  16. The main() function definition is the core of a C++ program, as it contains the instructions to be executed when the program is run.