min heap priority queue c++

To implement a min heap priority queue in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: Start by including the <queue> header file, which provides the necessary functionalities for implementing a priority queue.

  2. Declare the priority queue: Declare a priority queue object with the desired data type and compare function. For example, to create a min heap priority queue of integers, you can declare it as follows: cpp std::priority_queue<int, std::vector<int>, std::greater<int>> minHeap;

  3. Insert elements: Use the push() function to insert elements into the min heap priority queue. For example, to insert the element 5, you would write: cpp minHeap.push(5);

  4. Access the top element: To access the smallest element (top element) in the min heap priority queue, you can use the top() function. For example: cpp int smallest = minHeap.top();

  5. Remove the top element: To remove the smallest element from the min heap priority queue, use the pop() function. For example: cpp minHeap.pop();

  6. Check if the priority queue is empty: You can use the empty() function to check if the min heap priority queue is empty. It returns true if the priority queue is empty; otherwise, it returns false. For example: cpp if (minHeap.empty()) { // The priority queue is empty } else { // The priority queue is not empty }

  7. Get the size of the priority queue: To get the number of elements in the min heap priority queue, use the size() function. For example: cpp int size = minHeap.size();

These steps will allow you to implement a min heap priority queue in C++. Remember to adjust the data type and compare function according to your specific requirements.