C++ convert integer to digits, as vector

To convert an integer to digits and store them in a vector in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an empty vector to store the digits. You can do this by declaring a vector object with the appropriate template parameter for the data type of the digits (in this case, int). For example:
std::vector<int> digits;
  1. Use a loop to extract the digits from the integer. One way to do this is by repeatedly dividing the integer by 10 and using the remainder operator (%) to obtain the rightmost digit. This process can be repeated until the integer becomes 0. For each iteration, append the extracted digit to the vector. Here's an example implementation:
int number = 12345;
while (number > 0) {
    int digit = number % 10;
    number /= 10;
  1. Reverse the vector if necessary. The digits will be stored in reverse order because we extracted them from right to left. If you need the digits in the original order, you can use the std::reverse function from the <algorithm> header. Here's how you can reverse the vector:
std::reverse(digits.begin(), digits.end());

After these steps, the vector digits will contain the individual digits of the original integer.