c++ typeid

Sure! Here is an explanation of the typeid operator in C++ and the steps involved:

  1. Include the <typeinfo> header file: Before using the typeid operator, you need to include the <typeinfo> header file in your C++ program. This header file provides the necessary definitions for working with type information.

  2. Declare a variable or an expression: To use the typeid operator, you need to have a variable or an expression whose type you want to determine. This can be any valid C++ variable or expression.

  3. Use the typeid operator: The typeid operator is used to retrieve type information at runtime. It takes a variable or an expression as its operand and returns a std::type_info object that represents the type of the operand.

  4. Access type information: Once you have the std::type_info object, you can access various type-related information using its member functions. Some commonly used member functions include:

  5. name(): Returns a null-terminated character string that represents the name of the type.
  6. operator==(): Compares two std::type_info objects for equality.
  7. operator!=(): Compares two std::type_info objects for inequality.

Note that the name() function may return a mangled or implementation-specific name for types. For more human-readable type names, you may need to use additional techniques or libraries.

Here's an example usage of the typeid operator:

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

int main() {
    int i = 42;
    const std::type_info& type = typeid(i);
    std::cout << "Type name: " << type.name() << std::endl;

    if (type == typeid(int)) {
        std::cout << "The variable is of type 'int'." << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we declare an integer variable i and use the typeid operator to retrieve its type information. We then print the type name using the name() member function of the std::type_info object. Finally, we compare the retrieved type with the int type using the operator==() member function.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.