inverse square root

Step 1: Input the number whose inverse square root needs to be calculated. Step 2: Convert the input number to a 32-bit floating-point representation. Step 3: Define three variables: i, y, and the constant 0x5f3759df. Step 4: Store the input number in the variable y. Step 5: Store the 32-bit representation of y in the variable i. Step 6: Perform a bitwise shift of i by one bit to the right. Step 7: Set the constant 0x5f3759df minus i to the variable i. Step 8: Convert the bitwise representation of i back to a floating-point number. Step 9: Perform one iteration of Newton's method for finding the square root using the floating-point number obtained in the previous step. Step 10: Return the calculated value as the inverse square root of the input number.