gfg cyclic array rotation

To perform cyclic array rotation in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare and initialize the necessary variables: First, declare an integer variable to store the number of rotations you want to perform. Also, declare an array to hold the elements of the array you want to rotate.

  2. Perform the cyclic rotation: To perform the cyclic rotation, you can use a for loop that iterates from 0 to the number of rotations minus 1. Inside the loop, you can do the following steps:

a. Store the last element of the array in a temporary variable: To do this, you can declare another integer variable and assign it the value of the last element of the array. You can access the last element by using the index array size minus 1.

b. Shift the elements of the array to the right: To shift the elements to the right, you can use a for loop that starts from the last index of the array and ends at index 1. Inside the loop, assign the value of the element at the current index minus 1 to the element at the current index. This will shift the elements to the right.

c. Assign the temporary variable to the first element of the array: After shifting the elements, assign the value of the temporary variable to the first element of the array. This will complete the cyclic rotation.

  1. Print the rotated array: After performing the cyclic rotation, you can use a for loop to iterate through the array and print its elements.