built in led

To use a built-in LED in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries: To control the built-in LED, you need to include the "wiringPi.h" library. This library provides functions to manipulate the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Initialize the wiringPi library: Before using any GPIO pins, you need to initialize the wiringPi library. You can do this by calling the "wiringPiSetup()" function.

  3. Set the GPIO pin mode: Set the mode of the GPIO pin connected to the built-in LED as an output pin using the "pinMode()" function. For example, if the LED is connected to GPIO pin 17, you can set its mode as follows: "pinMode(17, OUTPUT);".

  4. Control the LED: To turn the LED on, you can use the "digitalWrite()" function. Pass the GPIO pin number and the value "HIGH" to turn the LED on. For example, to turn on the LED connected to GPIO pin 17, you can use: "digitalWrite(17, HIGH);".

  5. Delay: If you want to keep the LED on for a specific duration, you can introduce a delay using the "delay()" function. Provide the desired delay time in milliseconds. For example, to keep the LED on for 1 second, you can use: "delay(1000);".

  6. Turn off the LED: To turn off the LED, use the "digitalWrite()" function again. Pass the GPIO pin number and the value "LOW" to turn the LED off. For example, to turn off the LED connected to GPIO pin 17, you can use: "digitalWrite(17, LOW);".

These steps will allow you to control the built-in LED using C++ code. Remember to connect the LED to the appropriate GPIO pin on your hardware setup.