binary representation c++

To convert a decimal number to its binary representation in C++, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Define the decimal number: Start by defining the decimal number you want to convert to binary. For example, let's say we want to convert the number 10 to binary.

  2. Initialize variables: Initialize a variable to hold the decimal number and another variable to store the binary representation. For example:

cpp int decimalNumber = 10; string binaryRepresentation = "";

  1. Perform the conversion: Use a loop to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 2 and store the remainder. Append the remainder to the binary representation string. Continue this process until the decimal number becomes 0. For example:

cpp while (decimalNumber > 0) { int remainder = decimalNumber % 2; binaryRepresentation = to_string(remainder) + binaryRepresentation; decimalNumber /= 2; }

  1. Print the binary representation: Finally, you can print or use the binary representation string as needed. For example:

cpp cout << "Binary representation: " << binaryRepresentation << endl;

The output for the decimal number 10 would be:

Binary representation: 1010

This process can be used to convert any decimal number to its binary representation in C++.