google pdf iframe viwer

To embed a Google PDF viewer using an iframe in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, include the necessary libraries for working with HTML and web content. In C++, this typically involves using a library like Boost.Asio or libcurl to make HTTP requests and retrieve the HTML content.

  2. Next, you'll need to send an HTTP request to the Google PDF viewer URL with the PDF file you want to display. You can use the library's functions to construct the request, specifying the URL and any necessary parameters, such as the PDF file's location.

  3. Once you receive the response from the server, you can extract the HTML content using appropriate parsing methods provided by the library. This will typically involve searching for the iframe element within the HTML document.

  4. Retrieve the source URL of the iframe element, which should point to the Google PDF viewer with the PDF file embedded. You can extract this URL using the library's methods for parsing HTML attributes.

  5. Now that you have the URL, you can use it to display the PDF viewer within your C++ application. This can be achieved by creating a WebView or similar UI component and setting its source to the extracted iframe URL.

  6. Finally, you can handle any user interactions within the embedded PDF viewer, such as scrolling or zooming, by implementing appropriate event handlers and callbacks in your C++ code. This will allow users to interact with the PDF document seamlessly within your application.

Remember to consult the documentation of the specific libraries you are using for more detailed instructions and examples on working with HTML content and embedding iframes in C++.