Enter a key and display it's ascii value in c++

To display the ASCII value of a key in C++, you can use the static_cast function to convert the key to its ASCII value. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates this:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    char key;
    std::cout << "Enter a key: ";
    std::cin >> key;

    int asciiValue = static_cast<int>(key);

    std::cout << "ASCII value of " << key << " is " << asciiValue << std::endl;

    return 0;


  1. Include the <iostream> header file, which allows input and output operations.

  2. Declare a variable key of type char to store the key entered by the user.

  3. Prompt the user to enter a key using std::cout << "Enter a key: ";.

  4. Read the user input and store it in the key variable using std::cin >> key;.

  5. Declare a variable asciiValue of type int to store the ASCII value of the key.

  6. Use the static_cast<int>(key) expression to convert the key from char type to int type, and assign the result to asciiValue.

  7. Print the ASCII value of the key using std::cout << "ASCII value of " << key << " is " << asciiValue << std::endl;.

  8. Finally, return 0; to indicate successful execution of the program.

This code will take a key input from the user and display its corresponding ASCII value. The static_cast function is used to explicitly convert the char type to int type in order to obtain the ASCII value.