push front vector cpp

To push an element to the front of a vector in C++, you can use the insert() function provided by the vector container.

Here are the steps to push an element to the front of a vector:

  1. Create a vector: First, you need to create a vector using the std::vector class. For example, you can declare a vector of integers like this:
std::vector<int> myVector;
  1. Insert an element at the front: To insert an element at the front of the vector, you can use the insert() function along with the iterator representing the beginning of the vector. The insert() function takes two arguments: the iterator position and the value to be inserted. For example, to insert the value 10 at the front of the vector, you can do:
myVector.insert(myVector.begin(), 10);

After this step, the vector will contain the element 10 at the front, and any existing elements will be shifted to the right.

  1. Access the vector elements: You can access the elements of the vector using the index operator []. For example, to access the element at the front of the vector, you can do:
int frontElement = myVector[0];

In this case, frontElement will contain the value 10.

That's it! You have successfully pushed an element to the front of a vector in C++. Remember to include the necessary headers (<vector>) at the beginning of your code to use the std::vector class.