delete a node from binery search tree c++

To delete a node from a binary search tree in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Start by finding the node that needs to be deleted. Traverse the tree starting from the root node and compare the value of the node to be deleted with the current node's value.
  2. If the value of the node to be deleted is smaller than the current node's value, move to the left subtree. If it is larger, move to the right subtree.
  3. Continue traversing the tree until you find the node to be deleted or reach a leaf node (a node with no children).
  4. Once you find the node to be deleted, there are three cases to consider:

a. If the node has no children, simply delete the node from the tree. b. If the node has only one child, update the parent node's link to the child node. c. If the node has two children, find the node with the next largest value (minimum value in the right subtree) or the node with the next smallest value (maximum value in the left subtree). Replace the value of the node to be deleted with the value of the found node. Then, recursively delete the found node.

  1. After deleting the node, ensure that the binary search tree property is maintained. This means that for every node, all nodes to the left have smaller values, and all nodes to the right have larger values.

It's important to note that the implementation of deleting a node from a binary search tree can vary depending on the specific requirements and constraints of your program. The above steps provide a general guideline, but you may need to modify them to suit your specific needs.